Projecting Positive Energy: Meet Briann Millan

Briann Millan has been a Marketing Team Lead at OLN Inc since October of 2019 when she walked through our office doors and never looked back. Born and raised in California, Millan brought to her work a competitive drive fostered in childhood and an infectious sense of encouragement that has become the lifeblood of the OLN Inc office. This month, we sat down with her to pick her brain and learn a bit more about the force of nature that is Briann Millan.
What childhood experiences were most influential in your life?
“As a child, I participated in a variety of sports and teams, and that was incredibly influential for me. I chose to immerse myself in the worlds of basketball, tee-ball, soccer, softball, volleyball, skateboarding, and snowboarding; this instilled in me a competitive drive that I still thrive on today. I am always competing with myself to be the best me I can be. I remember my childhood mostly through silly memories with my siblings and cousins. Growing up, I was always the smallest one around, but I remember always trying to outrun, outplay, and outsmart my older sibling and cousins in any game we played. From climbing the highest tree, to finding the best hiding spot, to earning gaming rights on my brother’s PlayStation behind his back- these are the memories that stand out to me. My childhood was filled with laughter and mischief in the best way.”
How did that competitive environment help develop you?
“I had a chip on my shoulder when I was young, trying to show out in anything that I participated in because I was always the smallest. People would doubt my ability to be a beast; this challenge drove me to compete to be number one. As I got older, I learned that the best way to be number one is always to be competing with yourself because you are the biggest challenge you can ever face. If you learn to challenge your previous achievement constantly, there is no limit to your growth.”
Did you have any idea you would end up in this field?
“I knew I would end up in marketing because I earned my Bachelor of Arts in Business with a focus in Marketing, but I didn’t know I would stumble upon this opportunity. When I graduated from college, I had no idea what I wanted to do next. All I knew was that I needed to be in a job that I’d have an unlimited opportunity for growth, and OLN gave me just that. Funny enough, my dream job was to be a professional skateboarder; this dream quickly went away when I got to high school because I realized how many ways I could get hurt and saw some hospital bills!”
Tell us about your college experience.
“I went to Kalamazoo College and majored in Business. I wrote my senior thesis on the Benefits of Cannabis to Society. Throughout college, I worked several jobs. I worked as a media service assistant for my college and canvassed for Mothering Justice Action Fund, fighting for earned paid sick leave in Kalamazoo. I was an active member of the Asian Pacific Islander Student Association all four years and on the board in my sophomore year. I was lucky enough to study abroad as a student. I visited Australia, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Cambodia; it was life-changing. While I was abroad, I was forced to make decisions solely on my own for the first time. Being on the opposite side of the world away from my family pushed me to take control of my life. Through this experience, I was exposed to different countries in a whole different light, which helped me decide who I truly want to be: someone who WILL change the world!”
What is something we might not know about you by just looking at you?
“I’m super emotional; I care so much about every interaction I have every day and think about every conversation I have. This is both a blessing and a curse.”
What would you consider to be your most considerable skill, quality, or asset?
“I think my greatest quality would be my ability to project positive energy. I’m able to utilize this to my advantage when working with different types of people, ultimately moving towards mastering my universal appeal.”
How did you first learn about your company?
“I found OLN on LinkedIn and looked up the company’s website. From there on, I was intrigued by the opportunities waiting for me to reach out and grab!”
What did you immediately notice about your office?
“Everyone in the office has big goals to change their world. For us, this opportunity is a stepping stone to get us to those goals. I love the energy and drive that every person has in our office! Our company culture is strongly focused on growth. From my experiences at OLN, I have seen not only myself but my colleagues as well, grow immensely in just short of half a year. Whether someone is just starting in business or getting promoted, there is not one day that I haven’t seen myself or my colleagues constantly learning something new.”
How has your company helped you in your career development?
“I want to run my own business shortly; OLN has helped me to learn to set goals and become disciplined to make the right decisions to reach those goals.”
What do you find to be most challenging in your work?
“The most challenging part of my work is mastering the skills to adapt to any person’s learning style.”
What have you gained from your work?
“I think the greatest gain that I’ve gotten from work so far is the relationships I’ve formed with people. I’ve met so many different types of people who are all driven and have lots of insight on succeeding in life.”
If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?
“If I could learn to do anything, I would learn to be a pilot, able to fly any aircraft put in front of me. The ability to fly across the world puts me in awe.”
What would you most like to tell yourself at age 13?
“I would push myself to have more fun. I would tell myself that it’s okay to feel uncomfortable because I now know that the only way to learn and grow is by stepping out of your comfort zone.”
How do you define success?
“Success, to me, means having the ability to have the time and freedom to do the things you love whenever you want.”
What is your favorite thing about working in the business industry?
“My favorite thing about working in the business industry is the ability to have an unlimited amount of opportunities. The best part is that these opportunities are there waiting for me; all I have to do is reach out and be the one to take them.”
What are you passionate about?
“I’m passionate about helping others. There are a lot of people who have a lot of problems in this world. I want to be able to make a big change in this world, and that starts by influencing one person at a time. I think that for me, inspiration comes from average people who do everything in their power to take care of their loved ones.”
What motivates you to wake up and go to work?
“I’m motivated by the people at work who depend on me. When I get up in the morning, the first thing I think of is the people I can impact and how my experiences with them will help me grow to be a better leader.”
Five years from now, Briann Millan will be running her own office location for our client, building a professional network, and inspiring the young leaders of tomorrow. “I have an idea of what I want, but the future is always changing,” says Millan, “What I do know for sure is that I will be spreading the opportunity that I have received with many other wonderful people.” As we closed out our interview with Briann Millan, we asked her for one final piece of advice for the future of the business industry. Here’s what she shared: “if one seeks more knowledge, move forth to discover. For if one does not ask, the answer will always be a mystery.”

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